Exterminio intelligente/ Intelligent Extermination/Post-carnal
El trabajo de matar es agotador / Genocide is the killer application of Intelligence without conscience.
ISTUBALZ: giallo2
Istubalz: Il trionfo della morte
Intelligent Extermination
The wars of the twenty-first century are less and less fought by human beings. Human beings are the victims, but the perpetrators of the extermination are machines. Machines driven less and less by men, because artificial intelligence systems (equipped with deep learning capabilities) are going to free humans (random organisms often endowed with consciousness and sensitivity) from the task of torturing, maim, kill and exterminate, and are going to leave this task to intelligent systems.
The word "intelligence" denotes the ability to carry out a task no matter what task. Intelligence without sensitivity, intelligence without conscience: this is the general product of the capitalist system in the era of intelligent automation.
Nazism had to take into account the limits of emotional intelligence, as Jonathan Little shows in his terrible novel Les Benevoles.
The work of killing is exhausting, as we learned by reading that novel about the psychic fatigue of an SS man: the human organism has physical and psychological limits from which the intelligent machine is emancipated. The techno-Nazism of the twenty-first century must no longer fear these limits.
The drone is the dominant figure of this new phase of Nazism: the Ukrainian war and the Gaza genocide are the theater of experimentation of this new phase of Termination - a process that will fully take place in the twenty-first century.
Drone is an aircraft characterized by the absence of a human pilot on board. Its flight is controlled by computers that can see, hear, and perform extermination (among other secondary tasks).
From the first large models, exclusive to a few armies, the technology has evolved through the construction of very small models that work in groups (swarm drones), affordable for nearly everyone.
The Israeli genocide constitutes the first large-scale application of this Automation of Extermination.
We should not think that this is an isolated episode, we must not think that after this exceptional event war will return to take on its ancient humanly inhuman features. Inhumanity has finally emancipated itself from the human and can finally proceed on its way.
In the techno-military competition, extermination machines are destined to become pervasive. From now on every armed conflict - be it national war, religious war, or civil war - will increasingly make use of Intelligent Extermination techniques.
In April 2024, the Israeli magazine 972 published the most chilling report I can remember: it describes the epistemic and pragmatic structure of an artificial intelligence system designed to identify and hit hypothetically hostile targets. These targets can be innocent passers-by, children returning from school, women going to fetch water from the fountain. It does not matter. Automatic extermination works stochastically, and military stochastics cannot be too subtle.
According to 972 magazine,he Israeli extermination system, which bears the charming name Lavender, is
“a special machine that could rapidly process massive amounts of data to generate thousands of potential “targets” for military strikes in the heat of a war. Such technology, he writes, would resolve what he described as a “human bottleneck for both locating the new targets and decision-making to approve the targets.”
Humans are the bottleneck: uncertainty and slowdown. However ruthless and fanatical they may be sometime, humans are still indeterministic machines: emotionality, uncertainty, tiredness can limit their homicidal competence.
The intelligent machine must gradually subsume the entire sequence of actions that make extermination possible: visual and audible identification, cataloguing, selection, elimination. And finally self-correction and self-perfection in pursuit of the higher purpose: establishing order where humans are chaos. Therefore remove every human element.
“during the first weeks of the war, the army almost completely relied on Lavender, which clocked as many as 37,000 Palestinians as suspected militants — and their homes — for possible air strikes….
The result, as the sources testified, is that thousands of Palestinians — most of them women and children or people who were not involved in the fighting — were wiped out by Israeli airstrikes, especially during the first weeks of the war, because of the AI program’s decisions.
In an unprecedented move, according to two of the sources, the army also decided during the first weeks of the war that, for every junior Hamas operative that Lavender marked, it was permissible to kill up to 15 or 20 civilians…..
“We [humans] cannot process so much information. It doesn’t matter how many people you have tasked to produce targets during the war — you still cannot produce enough targets per day.”
The solution to this problem, he says, is artificial intelligence. Lavender offers a short guide to building a “target machine,” based on AI and machine-learning algorithms. Included in this guide are several examples of the “hundreds and thousands” of features that can increase an individual’s rating, such as being in a Whatsapp group with a known militant, changing cell phone every few months, and changing addresses frequently.
“The more information, and the more variety, the better,” the commander writes. “Visual information, cellular information, social media connections, battlefield information, phone contacts, photos.”
Targeted elimination and multiplication of collateral assassinations are the result of a technical improvement of which Israel is the vanguard, but we should not think that this is an isolated and specific phenomenon. Every armed group in the planet is going to equip itself with technological governance guided by exterminating artificial intelligence.
The final truth
Gaza is exposing the final truth of history: no way out from the infinite replication of the cycle Violence-Revenge-violence.
So why should we need to sterilize intelligence, we need to dissociate intelligence from the intrinsically fuzzy nature of the Unconscious.
War is the logical continuation of the liberal economy, and war demands full unbridled application of intelligence.
In the book Homo deus Yuval Harari remarks that the uncoupling of consciousness from intelligence, the emancipation of intelligence from consciousness, is the condition for full empowerment of intelligence.
Consciousness, as long that this word means something, is a limitation of intelligence. I’m speaking of ethical consciousness, that implies sensibility, sensuous consciousness, embodied consciousness: a limit to intelligent performance.
Let’s think to the job of killing, that is the most important economic activity of our time, and the main economic investment: the more intelligence is emancipated from sensibility and (ethical) consciousness the more efficient will be the intelligent agent.
Aviv Kochavi, chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces, said that Israel's war methodology is inspired by the rhizomatic theory of Deleuze and Guattari. The asymmetric proliferation of micro war machines is the best definition of the idea of transforming everyday objects such as pagers and walkie-talkies into weapons of mass destruction.
Only naïve readers could believe that Deleuze and Guattari's rhizomatic methodology is only a theory for liberation. Actually it is something much more complicated: that methodology first of all conceptualizes the economic model based on the molecular distribution of capitalist control. Molecular inscription of war and terror in every single fragment of daily life and things in common use.
The paranoid life of Israel - a country that is permanently haunted by the hatred of its surrounding populations - is marked by this molecularization of terror.
The war of extermination is - if you may pardon the macabre pun - the killer application of artificial intelligence.
Ethical regulation of AI is nonsense: you cannot forget the military use of AI, which dominates research, funding and use of this technology: intelligence driven by dementia, psychosis, and horror. Intelligence for extermination.
Chaos and The Automaton, Minnesota University Press
will be out in January 2025
La Società delle Nazioni, costituita dopo il Congresso di Versailles nel 1919, fu sciolta ufficialmente nel 1946, ma era già estinta da tempo.
Lo stesso si può dire dell’ONU, resta da vedere se e quando ci sarà un atto formale di scioglimento. Forse no, perché l’ONU potrebbe cambiare la sua natura, anzi di fatto la ha già cambiata. Mentre Israele accusa l’ONU di essere una palude di antisemiti, e l’IDF bombarda le postazioni dell’UNIFIL, Gutierres ha deciso di andare a Kazan al Vertice dei BRICS dove ha stretto la mano al ricercato Putin, nemico assoluto del “mondo libero”.
Dimenticando che una (incauta) decisione dell’ONU ha permesso a Israele di esistere con stato nazionale, Israele bombarda le postazioni dell’UNIFIL e uccide operatori umanitari dell’UNRWA e altre agenzie dell’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite. Accusare l’ONU di antisemitismo come ha fatto Netanyahu significa dichiarare conclusa l’epoca in cui fu possibile credere alla vigenza di un diritto universale. La legge che Israele vuole imporre è quella del più forte, la legge della razza superiore. La legge del dio che si proclama Signore degli eserciti. Un dio razzista da cui il suprematismo bianco ha tratto origine.
Joe Biden è riuscito in un capolavoro di autolesionismo strategico: ha spinto Russia e Cina a stringere un’alleanza sempre più solida, dimenticando la regola fondamentale di qualsiasi impero che si rispetti: divide et impera.
Ha sposato le sorti di sionisti assetati di sangue che hanno adottato la strategia che in tedesco si chiama Endlosung, in italiano si chiama Soluzione Finale, e ha mandato armi al governo israeliano che da un anno lavora per la vittoria di Trump, senza però smettere di piagnucolare.
Ma forse è riuscito anche a regalare ai BRICS una rappresentanza politica che si chiama ONU, è riuscito a spingere l’ONU a diventare la rappresentanza di tutti coloro che vogliono vendicarsi di secoli di colonialismo.